Monday, 5 November 2012

Siem Reap - The Gateway to Angkor

Today, just as the sun was beginning to burn through the misty morning air, we were purchasing our three day passes for Angkor - complete with cheesy grin photographs.  In the soupy humidity of the Cambodian jungle, we will be cycling and tuk-tukking our way around this vast temple complex situated just seven kilometres from the town.

With day one over, our saddle sore behinds are looking forward to some comfy chairs and our tired hands a cold dewy beer.  We've scrubbed a thick layer of sweat, mud, fine orange jungle dust and sunscreen from our faces and are already looking forward to what the next two days have in store, including, on the final day, watching the sun rise over Angkor Wat, the largest religious structure on the planet.  I will of course provide a full rundown of the week's events in due course, but for now, here are a few snapshots from our first day of Indiana Jones style adventure.

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